
Slowly, but Surely

4 Books

5 USA Today Crossword Puzzles

4 Coloring Pages

13 Paint by Sticker Pages

3 Seasons of One Tree Hill

Countless Solitaire Games

Well, that basically sums up my last 2 weeks…

Week 3 of recovery involved removing my stitches (there were 6) and transitioning out of my splint and bandage into a hard cast.

Sarah in a pink cast
Not quite how I thought turning 33 would look

My foot was also moved closer to a 90 degree angle. It was previously slightly pointed down. Truthfully, I have been more uncomfortable since the move to the hard cast, but hopefully that will subside in the days ahead.

Looking ahead, I will be in the hard cast for another 4 weeks. Then, I will transition into a walking boot. Although, the walking part will be gradually added.

Slowly, but surely!

Thank you for all of the support, prayers, meals, childcare help, and encouragement. We feel so grateful and blessed.

2 thoughts on “Slowly, but Surely”

  1. You look so cute in your pink cast! You are getting there, Sweet Sarah! Persevere! You can do it!

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