
The Power of the Post Office

Checking the mailbox is a highlight of the day for the Meares household, particularly during this quarantine. Our mail delivery time seems to vary day by day which adds to the excitement of the multiple treks to the mailbox. When we have been away from the house for a period of time, it is the perfect opportunity to check that mailbox. Neither Wes or I want to seem like we are overly excited about it in hopes that the other person forgot (not likely) so we get out of car and attempt to casually powerwalk to the mailbox. One of us will usually back off and pretend to be checking the grass or rosebush upon the sight of the other person “barrelling” down the driveway. In typical fashion it is usually just junk mail or bills, but the idea that it COULD be something else encourages the curiosity.

Sidenote: Did you know that there are different methods in checking the mail? Some people are the “stand by the mailbox and flip through all of the mail and perhaps open one or two as you walk back” people and others of us like to walk inside and then look at all of the mail. Find out which camp your significant other is in and then maybe mention it in premarital counseling…just a tip.

This week we hit the jackpot and received two encouragement cards! They were so unexpected and so perfectly timed. They spoke words of joy and empathy and hope and love, all of which I needed in the very moments that I received them. These notes are now treasures of mine and something that I will undoubtedly revist when I’m feeling “less than” or inadequate. Look at the power the written word  has on us!

I have a friend that made a New Year’s Resolution to write one letter a day and mail it through the Post Office. Remarkably, she did it! I was on the receiving end of a few of those notes and I loved it. Now, for most people (including me) that would be extreme, but have you ever sent a handwritten note “just because”? If you have the opportunity this week then I would encourage you to give it a try! Your words have power!

Fun Fact: Did you know that you can send a potato through the mail? If you’re interested in going beyond the traditional paper route then check out this list of fun and creative things you can put directly through the mail. I mean, why not mail a frisbee?

4 thoughts on “The Power of the Post Office”

  1. First comment!
    I remember reading that Ripley’s Believe it or Not used to have a contest to see who could mail the weirdest object to them without packaging. The address had to be written directly on the item. They discontinued the contest after multiple yoga balls…

    1. The MAIL thing. Another question worth pondering – WHO gets to open the fun/junk mail? And does one half of a couple get to just throw that possibly informative mail away before the other half even sees it? Asking for a friend🥺

      1. I feel like I typically go through the junk mail and throw it away accordingly. However, that might just be because I often find it sitting on the counter or table. haha!

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