
Some things just cannot be explained…

This morning I woke up feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainty of my world. I know that I am not alone in my feelings. Maybe it’s the adrenaline wearing off from the previous few weeks that were a flurry of canceling plans, preparing, and finding the fun in being hunkered down together. This week I am struggling to find the blessings in my new normal, frankly, I’m over it. But God has a way of surprising me with what I need most when I feel out of control.

My Mom captured the moment, which I love.

Most recently, I experienced God’s provision of comfort and peace when my 3-year-old son was scheduled to have a sedated MRI of his brain. This procedure required being under anesthesia for around 45 minutes. I had been feeling incredibly anxious about this appointment and that morning was no exception. Anyone who knows Brayden knows that he is a book lover. This kid can locate every kid-sized book in any house and bring it to you for reading. The morning of the appointment, we took my younger son over to my Mom and Dad’s house so he could spend some quality time with Grammy (without having to dodge a 3-year-old toddler tornado at the same time). Typically, Brayden runs into their house and heads straight for their dog to give her a treat, presses the ice maker on the fridge so that ice falls on his head, grabs a pack of gummies, flushes the toilet twice, and then beelines to the toys, books, and crayons that they keep in a special “grandkid closet.” They have a little leather devotional book that sits on a side table in their living room. In all the times that Brayden has been over there (which is a lot because it takes a village, or metropolis in my case, to raise a child), he has never once touched that book or even looked at it twice. However, this time he walked over and picked it up and took it to my Mom and had her read devotion after devotion to him. Then, he walked over to me and asked me to read some to him. Keep in mind, there are no pictures in this book. The print is small, the cover is brown, frankly it looks like a book that even I would avoid. However, he never once took his attention away from this book and the words that were being spoken. It was the most astonishing and amazing display of God’s faithfulness and commitment. While God is powerful and mighty and He can speak to us through booming thunder or flashes of light, He can also speak through a whisper or a sweet little boy asking “read please” over and over again. 

Stay safe, my friends.

2 thoughts on “Some things just cannot be explained…”

  1. Brought tears to my eyes! We love our book loving Brayden! So awesome that you took the time on this stressful day to have this moment and not get lost in the hustle and bustle of the day! I love you! You are an incredible mommy!

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